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How to Prepare For a Tornado

Preparing for disasters is very important, so in this post, learn about how to prepare for a tornado!

how to prepare for a tornado
Credit: Tim Samaras

Now that it is 2025, tornado season is on it’s way this year. That means that tornado-prone areas need to prepare for it. There are several things needed to prepare for them, including shelter, first aid kit, radio, etc. In this post, learn all about what you might need, what to do in the case of a tornado, and more.

This post is all about how to prepare for a tornado.

How to Prepare for a Tornado

NOAA Weather Radio

noaa weather radio
Credit: NOAA

The first section of this post will be about the NOAA weather radio. The purpose of this radio is to warn you of any weather hazards that are in your area. They can be for tornadoes, wind, fires, hail, any of those. When a tornado warning is issued, this radio will MAKE SURE you hear it, with a voice, a loud sound, or both being played. It is also helpful if you are in your safe place taking cover and trying to hear other warnings. Midland is a well-known company for their NOAA weather radios.

First-Aid Kit

first aid kit
Credit: Roger Browns

A first aid kit is necessary because you can get injured from the storm. It is common, even if it is just some cuts and bruises. One of these kits is a good thing to have when a storm strikes, and if you don’t have one, there are TONS of places online to look for how to pack it.

Tornado Shelter

tornado shelter
Credit: National Archives of College Park

A tornado shelter is probably the most important step of tornado preparation. Your average house cannot withstand a violent tornado enough to protect you, and there are multiple shelter options! You can get an above or below ground shelter, with above ground ones on average being safer. With the above ground ones, the steel pods are not really tested at EF4-5 strength, so a good alternative would be concrete ones. There are several companies like Safe Sheds that offer these.

Other ways you can choose aspects of your storm shelter include:

  • Inside or Outside your House
  • Individual or Family
  • Add Things Inside if Space Allows

What Not to do During a Tornado

what not to do during a tornado
Credit: Kelly
  • Open Windows
  • Go Outside to See/Record it
  • Try 2 Outrun It
  • Shelter in the SW Corner
  • Take Cover Under Overpass
  • Doubt Storm’s Power

This post was all about how to prepare for a tornado.

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